Tales Of Alaska

Ever dreamt of trading gators for glaciers?

Tales of Alaska chronicles one man’s extraordinary journey from the untamed swamps of Florida’s Withlacoochee River to the breathtaking Alaskan frontier, culminating in a rewarding career serving the law in the Last Frontier’s northernmost city, Utqiagvik (formerly Barrow). Discover a life transformed by adventure, breathtaking landscapes, and the unique challenges faced by those who call Alaska home.

The early years of growing up near the Withlacoochee River

Growing up in Lacoochee was challenging for me. I grew in a dysfunctional environment. My only escape was my adventures with my friend, who we called “Frog.” My nickname was “Gator”. Frog and I would often spend a lot of time at the river. 

Growing up on
the Withlacoochee River

From wrestling gators to navigating the mysterious, moss-draped cypress trees, Frog and I spent our early years filled with wild, muddy escapades that shaped the person I am today. Perhaps my childhood was grooming me for what was to become my ultimate adventure, Alaska.

As a young adult, I became a deputy sheriff in central Florida

Where I grew up, the line between law and the wild was as thin as the morning mist over the Withlacoochee River. It wasn’t uncommon for me to be dispatched to remove gators from swimming pools, and snakes from residences and playgrounds.

From Swamp Roots to
Arctic Boots

Utqiagvik, Alaska: This wasn’t just a new job – it was a plunge into the unknown, a baptism by ice. Every day in this northernmost city challenged me to the core, reshaping my understanding of law enforcement and forging a destiny unlike any I could have imagined. It’s an experience that continues to grip me, a story etched forever in the permafrost of memory.

Working for the North Slope Borough Police Department

Join me as we embark on a new life among the snow and ice, discovering a culture as captivating and formidable as the Arctic itself. Witness how this Florida boy’s daring leap into the Alaskan wilderness became his transformative expedition of a lifetime.

Working for the Strangest Town in Alaska

Imagine a town where “quirky” is the norm and most residents share a single roof. Tales of Alaska takes you on a journey of transformation, from newcomer to trusted leader, culminating in the whirlwind experience of serving as Mayor in this one-of-a-kind Alaskan community. Prepare to witness the unexpected become routine as we delve into the heart of Whittier.

About Me

Welcome to Tales of Alaska

My name is Lester Lunceford, and my story begins not amidst glaciers, but along the untamed banks of Florida’s Withlacoochee River. There, like a modern-day Huck Finn, my childhood was a wild tapestry of swamp adventures, hunting gators, and learning the natural world’s secrets. This thirst for adventure never left me, eventually leading me to the Alaskan frontier, where I found a new kind of wilderness and a community I’d one day call home.